The most positive thing about being a Witness is the relief you feel when you are out. Kind of like when you have to pinch a loaf *really* bad, and it just feels SOOOOO good when you get to relieve yourself. <smiles primly>
The most positive thing about being a Witness is the relief you feel when you are out. Kind of like when you have to pinch a loaf *really* bad, and it just feels SOOOOO good when you get to relieve yourself. <smiles primly>
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excellent job everyone!.
Dang! I thought there was gonna be free cheeseburgers in here! <snaps>
i'm taking an online college-level course this semester from moody bible institute called "elements of bible study.
" this is only the first week, but it looks pretty interesting.
as online courses will, it has a discussion board, and as part of the discussion, i mentioned my jw background, and also commented that the witnesses regard every baptized member as an "ordained minister.
Why go to all that trouble?
I just sent away for my "reverend" certificate from World Christianship Ministries, from the back of a magazine. You can fill out a little card and they mail you an ordination certificate. Hehheh. You can do baptisms, marriages, funerals, and get free parking at the jail when you visit your boyfriend for your "minister's visit" outside of regular visiting hours start your own church.
this is errol garner's very own arrangement.. for you, wasasister:.
misty .
<Mist Farkel>
why does wts keep printing in their literature that jehovah will judge when in the gosple of john it clearly states that christ will judge, and that judging was given to the son by the father?
"for the father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the son," john 5:22
I think he should get one of his own television Judge shows. I think he'd draw a large share of the ratings, maybe even take over Judge Judy's spot. Course everyone would have to wear sunglasses... which makes it harder to see who's telling the truth or not.
the wts always taught that there is absolutely no life anywhere in the universe except here on earth..
because the bible doesn't talk about it, therfore it don't exist.. seems to me that is rather poor logic.
i was talking to a friend of mine the other day, who is spiritually minded.
In one of my not-so-lucid moments I began to think about the parasites on our skin. They have their own little world, and to them we are the BIG GOD. Maybe they pray to *us*? Perhaps we are just parasites on some other Big God's skin. <wonders if parasites have little highways, airports and sky-scrapers on her body; and whether there is a tiny Osama Bin Laden terrorist bombing teeny little skyscrapers; wonders if she should step in>
<loses it>
some modern music has had subliminal messages encripted into it.
some people may or may not believe that, but i'm sure the wts has written of the 'danger' of subliminals in rock music etc.
has anyone ever tested the wts kingdom melodies to see if that has any subliminal messages?
I attempted to play it backwards once, and it sounded like a broken record. Reflects their doctrine.
>the functioning of which is.
>enjoyed by members of both sexes.. >is usually found hung, dangling ready.
>loosley for instant action.
<snaps> Dang! I got it wrong...
I thought it was the toilet brush! Oh.. that thing's a toothbrush, too?!?
I can always smell them from a mile away. Strong scent of ink and thrift store about them. I run.
for me the most boring activity is filling out income tax forms.
i find the most boring person is the dali lama.
just looking at him makes me feel bored.
LOL! You knew I was coming, you should have baked a cake. <smirk>